Hello Everypawdy
In couple of weeks, i will be celebrating my 4th birthday. Time flies when you are having a good time. Don't you agree? Many amazing things had happened for the pass 4 years.
In May 2013, a wonderful shorthair Black Tortie cat named Siri gave birth to 4 adorable kittens and one of them is me. We are the only kitties my mom ever have. I never get to know her very well. My
hooman took me into their family of two when i was a little over 3 months old. So does the other 2 of my siblings. The remaining 1 of us is living with my mom in Veberöd and his name is Simpan.
My mom, Siri |
My siblings when we were together |
My mom was said to be a very gentle, friendly, cosiest and even bravest of all cats at where she lives. Apparently, my mom was someone elses summer cat and probably was left alone when the family moved away at the end of the summer. She was still a small kitten when she moved into her new home. Long story short, she moved in with no invitation. She walked straigt to the door of her new home (current home) passing and ignoring all the owner's dogs. She felt quickly at home because her new hoomans are all animal lover. She lives there ever since.
That's a short story of my wonderful and adventurous mom.
I remember the day i was taken to my new home vividly. I was carried in a pet carrier and went on an hour car ride. They drove ever so carefully to make me feel comfortable.
Once arrived, i scouted every corner of my new home. Where is
everypawdy? Maybe they went for a walk again. That was my first thought. But it still feel very strange because i did not catch any animal scent apart from two legged ones (my
hooman). When im done, i was very pleased to know i will be the only
furbaby in the house. I was also introduced to my new litterbox. It was totally different from how i used to. Back then, i was trained to poo and pee in a small cats only litterbox.
Here in my new home, the litter box was huge! Big tall door. Tall wall. Wall lamps and it wont stop there! There was a tub and a shower! To get to where i need to do my business, i need to jump to chair looking white thing and it smells very different! I remember i was very confused. Then i realised i was in human wc! We are sharing litter box! In the end, i get used to their system. I appreciate their effort to toilet trained me from beginning. It is much more hygienic. Imagine going in to do you business and your hooman have not change the sand. I know nearly
everpawdy have stepped on your own poop and pee. Come on. Dont be shy. Admit it. You have stepped atleast one time. I admit i did. That was back when i was a small kitty.
hooman mom did not like it when the living space filled with cat waste smells. She think it is very unpleasant and rude to visitors. I don't like it too. I will cry out loud after i used the toilet until my hooman flush it for me. But, i will not do it if i use the toilet middle of the night. They can flush it when they wakes up instead. I love my hooman very much. They had a busy day. I let them sleep.
I have my own routine to do too. It is my way of showing my
hooman how much i love them. Everyday Mondays to Fridays, i will wake my
hooman dad at 6 am. I know it is their working day when their "wake-up light alarm clock" gets brighter. I will sing him morning songs. It sounds like this "meeeooowwww owwww owwww meeeowwwwww" repeat the chorus until he get up. Weekend on the otherhand, the 3 of us will sleep through until 8 am. It is the best. Because they will wake up and greet me good morning with a small scratch on my head and stay in bed for couple more hours reading news.
I love weekend. Just like my
hooman. But for me it is extra special because both of my fav person in the whole world are home with me from morning to night. We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together. We watch movie together. We play fetch, chase and feather together. I love it when they are both in the same room. I mean, literally in the same room not just under the same roof.
hooman mommy will brush my fur and make me beautiful. I do enjoy it but i can stand it for too long. I get bored too fast. So she has to do it almost every 3 days. She'll comb me more in spring and autumn. Because those are the months i'll sheds alot. Sometimes, she'll give me a shower. It helps alot during the highest shedding period. It'll get very itchy mostly behind my tail and my tail. Its not so easy to clean and i don't really like to be comb in those areas.
In my nearly 4 years of life, i have experienced one scariest moment. I hope it will be the last too. When i was a bit over 1 year old, my curiousity caused me to fell from the third floor window. I screamed my lungs out calling for my
hooman. I made myself look as big as i could to scares
everypawdy away. I was so scared, so panicked and in pain. ushhh i still do when i think about it. Lucikily my hooman hear my cries and saw me downstairs screaming to be rescue. She ran down with almost nothing on. She was as panicked as i was. They called the vet emergency number and they did a check on me. Luckily nothing is broken. I was so scared and very much in a shocked that i pooped myself. They kept an eye on me for 24 hours to see if there is any obvious changes in my well being. The next day, my hooman went to the nearest pet store to buy a net and installed it on their balcony so i can be safe.
Fur'ren, i hope my story is entertaining for you as it is for me. I don't know what else i can share about. But if you want to know more about me, feel free to drop a question or two in the comment box. You can leave me a link to your story on my comment box below as well. I would love to read it.
That's it for now.
be curious, be adorable and be safe.. xoxo
I'm a big girl now |
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