Very Easy Meatloaf
There are plenty of great recipe for meatloaf you can find online. But being me, im too lazy to follow to many ingredients and instruction. I did however, tried and tested few of the recipes. Which in the end, i came out with my own preferences.
I hope you like it as much as i do.
This recipe is enough for 8 dinners for two! Yeap. You heard it right. I freeze the leftover in a freezer bag and warm it up when my husband i feel like having it.
All that you need. 8 in total. Did i mention it is easy and simple? |
1kg minced meat
2 Red Onion
2 Eggs
1/4 cup / 60ml Mustard (picture above is my favorite mustard. You can ofcourse using any mustard of your choice. I did once use wasabi. I do like it)
1/2 cup / 125ml Ketchup
160g Breadcrumbs
350ml Milk
40g Sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
Fry/sweat the chopped onion |
First you need to chop the onion into same size. Then add olive oil or any oil you have at home into frying pan. Fry in a low heat until the onion turn soft and somewhat clear.
Meanwhile set the oven on 200 degress celcius.
In a large bowl, add Milk, Eggs, Fried Onion, Minced Meat, salt and pepper.
Mix them all until well combine with your hand.
Then, add the breadcrumbs.
Mix again until everything is well combine.
Drizzle some olive oil into baking dish. |
At this point mix Ketchup, Mustard and Sugar until sugar is well dissolve.
Form the meat into a loaf. |
Pour the sauce over. |
Your oven must be well heated at 200 degress celcius. Place the meatloaf in the middle level of the oven. |
Let the meatloaf to cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time might differ, so you should know how powerful is your oven. Or if you have tips for me to know how will i know when the meat is cook, im gladly to know. Do write it down on the comment box below.
Don't worry about the burnt bottom. It is from the meat juice. I make sure the topping is slightly char. It taste better. |
Slice it up. I sliced mine into thumb thickness. |
Let the leftover cool down under aluminum foil. Once it is cooled, you can place them according to your portion and in it go to your freezer for later use.
Serve while it still hot. |
I serve it with mashed potato, greenpeas and brocolli and lingonsylt.
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